PART 2: 14 easy tips to lose 10 kg in 10 days

 check out the previous tips( part 1 of 14 tips to lose weight) by clicking the link bellow

6: Up your protein intake if it's currently low

Studies have shown that protein helps fill you up and reduces hunger another benefit that we get from fat loss is that protein requires significantly more energy to digest than carbs and fats. So it will increase your metabolism if you a higher protein diet sometimes helping you burn even hundreds of extra calories per day; on top of that, it's also great for building muscle. However, eating too much protein won't give you any extra benefits. According to the research maximum, muscle-building effects are achieved at around point seven to point eight grams of protein per pound of body weight. So even though having more than that won't necessarily hurt your fat loss efforts it could make your nutrition plan more difficult to stick to because it will reduce the number of in-facts that you can eat per day. So I recommend sticking to around point eight grams of protein per pound of body weight per day and having the rest of your calories in the form of carbs or fats. Now like I mentioned earlier before you're able to burn belly fat it's gonna take some time for your body to first burn off fat from other places, so you need to be consistent for some time before you start seeing the stubborn belly fat decreasing. To stay consistent you must follow the next simple rule.

7: Making healthy food taste great

Any diet that requires you to eat food you hate or to cook them in a bland tasteless way is destined for failure. Don't be afraid to add enough olive oil, seasonings, and spices to your meals to make them taste great. Being the type of person that pours one droplet of oil on the frying pan may save you some calories in the short run but ultimately heavily restricting will lead to a binge and failure in the long run.
Click here to see part 1:

8: Allow yourself an occasional cheat meal but only after you fill up your stomach

You can do this before you go to a restaurant or before you have a cheat meal even at home. If you have a small high protein high vegetable meal before eating the things that you're craving it'll help take the edge off your hunger and save you a lot of calories without you having to use much willpower. Even if you don't have time to make a whole meal simply throw some 
fruits and vegetables into a blender and having that before you have your cheat meal will go a long way.

9: Don’t drink too much alcohol

Since fat is metabolized in the liver you're gonna want your liver to be available for the breakdown of fat rather than it being busy digesting alcohol. But that's exactly what happens when you drink alcohol your body drastically slows the breakdown of fat to prioritize getting the alcohol out of your system; on top of that certain alcoholic beverage will hurt beverages loss efforts. For example, drinking beer and wine in excess can add just as much sugar to your diet as drinking soda. If you're gonna drink alcohol go for unflavored liquors like vodka, rum, and tequila also if you want to make a mixed drink or use a chaise make sure to use a calorie-free beverage.

10: Eat more soluble fiber because it helps reduce hunger

It does this by slowing down the digestion of the food that you eat helping you feel fuller for longer, great sources of soluble fiber include oats, avocados, and Brussels sprouts. For those of you that are afraid of adding even healthy carbs like oats remember that feeling full and satisfied on a day to day basis is a lot more likely to lead to a successful outcome in the long run because you'll be reducing your calorie intake naturally due to increasing your satiety rather than forcing restrictions. Now even though the majority of your belly fat will be burnt via diet.

11: The right type of exercise can really help speed things up

It can help you maintain your results when you're done. Weight training in particular will allow you to burn more calories build more muscle which will increase your metabolism and it'll increase your insulin sensitivity, which will once again be great for fat loss. Also, weight training will deplete your body's glycogen stores which means you'll have more room to eat carbohydrates since your body will need those carbs to replenish the glycogen in your muscles and liver rather than your fat cells.
to check part 1 click here:

12: Make sure that you get enough sleep

Sleep is crucial for your muscles to recover and it's when you rest and sleep that your muscles grow. Getting enough sleep helps balance your hormones whereas not getting enough will increase cortisol and decrease testosterone, which will promote fat gain and muscle loss. Do your best to get at least 6 to 7 hours of sleep per night to ensure that your body is primed for fat loss and muscle growth. Once you have your diet and weight training in check you can:

13: Add some high-intensity interval training to boost fat loss a little further

This should only be done when you hit plateaus and your diet and weightlifting are not enough on their own. If you don't want to adjust your diet and you want to keep eating the same amount that you've been eating you can burn some extra calories by throwing in one 15-minute high-intensity interval training session per week at a time. This session should include full-body exercises that get your heart rate up like burpees, squats, jumps, and rope slams. The goal is to work as hard as you can for a short duration like 45 to 60 seconds and follow that up with a short break around where you take 30 to 60 seconds off then repeat again and again for 15 minutes. These full-body aerobic workouts are a great way to burn a lot of calories in a short amount of time without promoting muscle loss.

14: Set up your diet in a way that helps you eat less without you feeling hungry or deprived

For some of you, this may mean that you fast for the majority of the day and have a couple of large meals intermittent fasting can be very effective for fat loss without having to eat all day long and without having to limit the size of your meals all that much. The downside however is that you do have to go for at least 16 hours per day without food so while this may work for some it won't work for others. Others may do a lot better by controlling their hunger with small meals throughout the day. Remember that the amount of meals you eat per day doesn't really determine how much fat you will lose so choose the plan that is best for you.

So those are the 14 tips that you can use to start losing belly fat without crazy restrictions by following these simple suggestions you will be able to stick to a healthy eating plan for longer which will allow you to tap into the fat stores around your stomach over time.
To check part one you can click here
